As a beautiful blue-eyed California baby of the late 80’s, Kailee started playing piano at 8 years old and was forever intrigued with the idea of expressing her thoughts and feelings through songwriting. “My parents are big into classic rock and stuff like Bob Dylan, Cat Stevens, etc. So I grew up listening to a lot of music & can’t think of a specific artist that I can say influenced me early on, but I just always loved music. At one point I was obsessed with this CD my parents had called “Wacky favorites” which had songs like “The auctioneer boy” and “Tie me kangaroo down sport”. I’d listen to it over and over. I remember sitting on the floor listening to this CD when I decided that I wanted to do music someday, I must have been around 6 or 7.” She found her instrument of choice at 13 when Uncle Billy, a man from her family’s church, gifted her a guitar on Christmas morning.

Growing up in the Bay Area, in high school Kailee started emulating her favorite singer/songwriters like Michelle Branch, Conor Oberst and Jewel. It wasn’t until her college years, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in anthropology, and a MA in cultural anthropology

that she started exploring her wanderlust and a desire to gather stories by traveling the worldpacking her charming curiosity and her guitar, you can also hear this curiosity for culture and a love of travel in her songs. This love of stories and culture led her to call the sweet floral trade winds of Hawaii her home. “I wanted to learn about permaculture and raw food diets. While on a forum somewhere I read about a community on the Big Island. So, about 12 years ago, when I first came here to do a 3 month internship at this bizarre communityit was a clothing optional kind of hippie commune. I decided on my third day in Hawaii I would be moving here – it just felt right. After I made that decision a huge wave of creativity came to me and I was inspired to write a bunch of songs, some of them made it on “Savor This”.

Additional Artist/Song Information:

Artist Name: Kailee Spark
Song Title: Universe At Your Fingertips
Publishing: Kailee Spark
Publishing Affiliation: ASCAP
Publishing 2: Bub Pratt
Publishing Affiliation 2: BMI
Album Title: Savor This
Record Label: Kukuau Studio

Radio Promotion:
Loggins Promotion
Paul Loggins
Loggins Promotion
Paul Loggins