Tom Cunningham
“The Secret Of Life”
Publishing: North Texas Publishing
Publishing Affiliation: BMI
Album Title: The Secret Of Life
Record Label: Alliance
I was born December 12th, 1939 a normal little boy. In the Spring of 1947, I contracted Spinal Meningitis with a fever of 108 degrees. That would leave me three years physically behind the other children my age. It also left me with what is now called dyslexia or A.D.H.D.
This made school even harder, as being physically deficient set me up to being bullied by other kids. I started to hate the other children, and became a loner. I learned to accomplish things by myself. By the sixth grade i had become an accomplished oil painter, photographer, model airplane flier, and set a couple of kite flying records.
Dad grew tired of me being bullied, so he taught me how to box. This was to be the beginning of competitive sports in my life that would take me around the world.
After ten years of research, Dale Harden`s Strength & Speed Newsletter, picked me as one of the All Time Top Multi Sports Athletes.
All my life I have loved photography, and have been fortunate to win over 500 awards. I won the Tri Color Award at the Texas State Fair. One of the Highest Awards in Photography.
Due to age and injuries, my mind told me go, but by body said whoa! There became a big void in my life. As I began to try and fill that void, I discovered Music. reached the top of the music charts, and made new friends all over the world.My new song “The Secret Of Life” is reflecting on today`s problems and wondering if our older people made a secret on how they made life work so well.
Record Label:
Herman Simpson
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