Cody Kouba

“Let It Be”

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Publishing: Cody Kouba

Publishing Affiliation: Other

Album Title: Let It Be

Record Label: SSM Evolution


CODY KOUBA (VOCALS, GUITAR, BANJO in the band Phineus Reb) Lead singer, songwriter and picker: Cody Kouba has been turning heads in Texas Music and the music industry since 1998. Music forged from his bluegrass leanings and the dance halls of East Houston, Cody has been writing, performing, picking guitar/banjo/ piano, working stages, and playing different roles as they presented themselves throughout his career. Cody released both Long Road Ahead(2002) and Days and Nights(2008), which were pioneering albums that helped hone his sound and develop the experience that it takes to arrange and orchestrate a band of PRBs ambition. These albums, along with his eccentric stage shows, allotted Cody opportunities second to none. However, as in many cases, life circumstances made for bad timing, and a break was inevitable.

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SSM Evolution

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