Candy J Land started out as an opera voice and it fits well even now with the songs she’s recording at the age of 23 from the Maryland. she surrounds herself with the pianos and horns and with an anointed vocal power this girl makes it come all up and down your spine by way of guitars and horns, but on “he alone is WORTHY” it’s her and a back ground singer and pianos. This is a powerful artist that will shine in months to come. This first SHADY GAZEBOS tune is a serious song about the state of the hypocrisy that’s going on in the church and how we had better get going asap. This song will convict…and that’s no lie.

Candy announces her debut album coming soon with eight great tunes of thoughtful prayer and consideration of the Holy Ghost. Candy’s message is for anyone who wants to know the truth and the truth will make them free forever.

Additional Artist/Song Information:

Artist Name: Candy Jay Land
Song Title: Shady Gazebos
Publishing: Song Puzzle Music
Publishing Affiliation: ASCAP
Album Title: Shady Gazebos
Record Label: Song Puzzle Music

Record Label:
Intl Songbank
Jamie Lee Scott
512 767 0548
Radio Promotion:
Keaton Ventures Nashville
Chris Keaton
Song Bank Intl
Evan Duebner
GGIX/Music Entertainment
Burd Berris
Booking Agent:
Cindy Louis Chaulk