Mike Massey is a business lawyer practicing in Jackson, Mississippi who, having played guitar all his life, found he had a lot to sing about in his mid 50’s. At a time when most musicians have said what the want to say, Mike is just getting started and will be releasing a ten song album on July 30, 2021, covering songs of substance; the maturing of a marriage in “Long Ride”, the loss of a child in “Empty Magnets”, stereotyping in this red/blue era in “Labeled”, illegal immigration and the ICE roundup of Mississippi poultry workers in “Pedro”, and “Camo Lingerie” which is a nod to John Prine’s sarcastic, witty influence. Mike’s music defies genre, with influences of Folk, rock, blues, country, singer-songwriter, and gospel tunes like “The race you’ve been running”. Mike introduces an eclectic brand of unique sound and insight uncommon in younger singers – “old but fresh” aptly describes Mike’s sound which he prefers to call “Suburban Folk” to coin his term for a new that defies “genre”. He is not well known…yet.

Additional Artist/Song Information:

Artist Name: Mike Massey
Song Title: Camo Lingerie
Publishing: Massey Lyrical Enterprises
Publishing Affiliation: ASCAP
Publishing 2: Mike Massey
Publishing Affiliation 2: ASCAP
Album Title: Empty Magnets
Record Label: Mike Massey

Record Label:
Mike Massey
Radio Promotion:
Mike Massey
Mike Massey
Mike Massey