Benny Marsella

“A Special Kind Of Love”

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Publishing: Charles Wallert

Publishing Affiliation: BMI

Album Title: A Special Kind Of Love

Record Label: Scheherazade


Benny Marsella is set to break at the AC40 radio format with his heartfelt and melodic “A Special Kind of Love”. Produced and written by Charles Wallert, the song is about the special kind of love
between a father & his daughter. Destined to become the father-daughter wedding song classic, with lyrics beautifully sung & interpreted by Benny Marsella from South Philadelphia, who`s career is a real life “Rocky” of the musical genre. Look for some strong and amazing things to come from Benny Marsella and his just released “A Special Kind of Love” as it breaks at radio from coast to coast.

Radio Promotion:

Tom Mazzetta Promotion

Tom Mazzetta



National Record Promotion

Larry Weir


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