Eddie Howell, the renowned musician and songwriter, alongside the MCM Global Team, proudly announces the launch of his remixed, remastered classic, “Man from Manhattan“, on April 12th, 2024. This announcement comes with a nod to Freddie Mercury’s memorable challenge after the final-mix playback of the original recording: “If this is not a hit dear, sue […]
Industry News
Reviver Records breakout artist Brooke Moriber’s new single “Half A Heart” will be available Fri Jan 12th on all the major music services. Half A Heart is a song about taking pride in being the kind of person who lives life fully and loves wholeheartedly and not letting anyone’s judgements and negativity change that about you. Listen […]
Mirroring his intimate reflection of personal growth and self-assurance, Michael Isaak has released his new single, “hey boy.” This moving track serves as a love letter to his younger self, encapsulating the universal experience of growing up and finding one’s path. “hey boy” is the final single to be released ahead of his forthcoming debut EP, Forever […]
Blending her gut-wrenching lyricism with flawless whisperpop vocals, Ashley Elle’s latest single, “Spring Street,” is her most vulnerable, yet relatable piece yet. Join Ashley Elle, as she opens her heart and takes fans on a profound journey in “Spring Street,” now available on all digital streaming platforms. Propelled by its tenderhearted melodies and piano structures, […]